The Greensboro Coliseum was center stage last night in a political war of words. Or perhaps a war over the words "radical Islamic terrorism."
And immigration.
And protecting the LGBT community in the wake of the mass killings in Orlando.
Why Greensboro? That’s where presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump addressed thousands of cheering supporters.
Just when you think you couldn’t be shocked by Donald Trump anymore, he starts quoting...poetry.
"On her way to work one morning down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake."
A sea of cell phones held high in the crowd recording every word.
Oh well, she cried, I'll take you in and I'll take care of you
Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman, sighed the snake
These are actually the lyrics of an Al Wilson song from the 1960’s. Inspired by the Aesop’s fable The Farmer and The Viper. Trump continued:
Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful, " she cried.
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
The tender woman – that would represent either Hillary Clinton or America as a whole.
"I saved you, " cried that woman
"And you've bit me even, why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman, " said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
So who’s the snake in Trump’s view? That’s easy.
"A number of these immigrants have hostile attitudes," Trump said. "And it doesn’t take a big percentage. Look at one whack job. Look at this one whack. This one horrible savage, look what he did in a short period of time to great young people.
That one, in Trump’s mind, would be Omar Mateen, the Orlando gunman.
Ignored is the fact that Omar Mateen was born in the United States, the son of Afghan immigrants. For Trump, that fact doesn’t matter.
"We want to live in a country where gay and lesbian Americans, and all Americans are safe from radical Islam."
And he continued his call for a temporary ban on refugees and other immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries.
"This could be the all time great version, modern day, of the Trojan horse folks. Remember that," Trump said.
While decrying the threat of Islamic terrorists, Trump added, "And just so you understand I have many Muslim friends."
By now, we all know Trump’s campaign slogan – Make America Great Again. But there are the three words which now may as well be his unofficial slogan – radical Islamic terrorism. A phrase he’s gone to great lengths to criticize Hillary Clinton and President Obama for not adding to their vernacular.
"We have a radical Islamic terrorism problem folks. We can say we don’t. We can pretend like Obama that we don’t."
As for Hillary Clinton, Trump told the crowd, she wants to open the borders and take away their guns.
The crowd ate it up.
That is now a pretty standard Republican attack during a presidential election. But the immigration ban, and Trump’s other recent harsh rhetoric has caused some national Republican leaders to distance themselves a bit from their party’s presumptive nominee.
But last night, the leadership of the North Carolina Republican Party was out in force supporting Trump.
And he had this to say about a meeting last night with Governor Pat McCrory.
"I just left some great governor including your Governor, Pat. He’s doing a fantastic job."
But McCrory was nowhere to be seen at the event.
Perhaps McCrory is a fan of a certain Al Wilson song … or he’s wary of any possible effects Trump’s candidacy may have on his own re-election campaign.