The 12th Congressional District, which encompasses most of Mecklenburg County, stands to have the most people in the country lose health care coverage under the Senate plan to replace Obamacare – that’s according to the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think tank. About 200 people concerned about those coverage losses attended a town hall Monday night hosted by Congresswoman Alma Adams.
Katie Mpelkas had been preparing to come to this town hall for several days to ask Representative Alma Adams one question.
“I just wanted to know if someone could tell me how my son is going to be directly affected?” she said. “I’ve read and I’ve read and I’ve read and I can’t get any answers.”
She said her three-year-old son Brady has autism. Now he is covered by Medicaid. But she is concerned about deep cuts to the program for low income individuals and disabled kids that would occur under the Senate’s health care plan. Adams said there’s hope in that the Senate had to postpone a vote on the bill.
“Obviously, there are individuals who are Republicans who are as concerned about it as I am,” Adams said. “We are hoping we can appeal to those folks as well as others who have heard from their constituents while we have been out on this break.”
Senators have three weeks to pass the bill before the month long August recess.
North Carolina Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr did not respond to questions about whether they will be holding a town hall about the health care bill. Congressman Robert Pittenger, whose district also includes the southern portion of Mecklenburg County, says he will hold town halls in August – that would likely be after the Senate’s vote.