Governor Pat McCrory has sold his stock in Duke Energy, the company where he worked for nearly three decades. The sale came during a year when McCrory’s connections to Duke have been scrutinized.
Public officials must report any property or stocks worth more than $10,000 to the state Ethics Commission in an annual report. Duke is no longer on the list in McCrory’s latest filing, and a spokesman confirms he sold his stock this year. The filing does not disclose how many shares or the value of the stock McCrory held—just that it was more than $10,000—nor does it say when the sale occurred.
In an e-mailed comment, a McCrory spokesman says the sale “eliminates the often repeated, ridiculous and false, partisan left-wing attacks challenging the intent of our decisions and policies."
McCrory has appointed several former Duke employees, including commerce secretary Sharon Decker. And criticism of the governor from environmental groups has intensified after Duke’s spill of coal ash into the Dan River in February.
The filing shows McCrory continues to own more than $10,000 in Spectra Energy, a natural gas company that Duke spun-off in 2007. Duke is also a major McCrory campaign donor.
Update 6/10/14 - In a revised filing to the ethics commission, McCrory reports he has sold his stock in Spectra Energy.