Friday, August 25, 2017
The Solar Eclipse eclipsed all other stories this week – especially in the prime viewing areas of our region. Still, most of Charlotte’s mayoral candidates participated in a debate Tuesday. New legislative district maps are released to comply with a court order, and local reaction continues to the clash in Charlottesville and Confederate monuments. Mike Collins and the Roundup Reporters recap those stories and more on the local news roundup.
We all turned our eyes (protected, of course) to the skies to watch the solar eclipse on Monday. We'll talk about local reaction to what we saw, especially in the prime viewing areas.
Most of Charlotte’s candidates for mayor participated in a Tuesday night debate—we’ll break down where they came down on issues like the I-77 tolls, and more.
Redistricting is in the news once again as new legislative district maps are released around the state to comply with a Supreme Court order that found that many North Carolina legislative districts were illegal racial gerrymanders. We’ll get a reaction from around the state.
Following the clash in Charlottesville, events continued around the nation, and here in Charlotte and around the state organized by a variety of different groups. In addition to those events, the president continued to defend his initial comments on the violence that happened in Charlottesville when he attended a rally in Phoenix.
And Wells Fargo employees in Charlotte and elsewhere are bracing for more negative headlines amid the account scandal review- we’ll update you on that.
Tom Bullock, WFAE reporter.
Mary C. Curtis, columnist at Roll Call and a contributor to other publications including WCCB News Rising and NBCBLK.
Erik Spanberg, senior staff writer at the Charlotte Business Journal.
Ann Doss Helms, reporter for The Charlotte Observer.