9:00 a.m., Friday, February 27, 2015
Sustainability is something we hear a lot about and many of us try to make little changes to our daily habits, conserving resources and using energy in smart ways. And it turns out, cities are doing the same thing. There's a new strategy underway in uptown to make Charlotte a "smart city." But, what does that mean? What makes a “smart city”? We'll check in with the people behind this new effort, who are using digital technologies to improve the quality of services, and reducing costs and resource consumption. Find out how technology is making cities- including Charlotte- smarter, more livable, workable, and more sustainable.
Hyong Yi - Assistant City Manager, City of Charlotte
Amy Aussieker - Executive Director, Envision Charlotte
Johan Enslin - Director, Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) at UNC Charlotte