A former state senator from Concord has received an eight-month federal prison sentence on charges related to allegations that he used campaign funds for personal use. Republican Fletcher Hartsell was sentenced Tuesday in Winston-Salem.
Hartsell, 70, pleaded guilty in February to two counts of filing false tax returns and one count of mail fraud. Prosecutors said Hartsell used the money "to pay for personal goods and services for his own enrichment," including vacations, theater tickets, haircuts, and other items.
He addressed the court before his sentencing, and apologized to his family and supporters.
Besides serving time in prison, Hartsell also must pay $63,516 in restitution to the Internal Revenue Service and forfeit $184,060 he received through his actions, according to Acting U.S. Attorney Sandra Hairston..
Hartsell represented parts of Cabarrus and Union counties from 1991 to 2016. He did not seek re-election last year.